📌 Research Themes: Do deep learning to have similar speech processing mechanisms as the human brain?
📌 A novel research methodology: Align deep learning representation with auditory neural activity.
Juliette Millet and Ewan Dunbar. Do self-supervised speech models develop human-like perception biases? AAAI 2022 Workshop, Self-Supervised Learning for Audio and Speech Processing, 2022.
Li, Y., Anumanchipalli, G., Mohamed, A., Chen, P., Carney, L. H., Lu, J., Wu, J., Chang, E.F. (2023) Dissecting neural computations of the human auditory pathway using deep neural networks for speech. Nature Neuroscience, 26, 1-30.
Part One: Do self-supervised speech models develop human-like perception biases?¶
- 日语母语者倾向于混淆英语中的/r/和/l/音(Yamada和Tohkura,1990)(英语中的right和light会被感知为相同或非常相似),
- 英语母语者则难以区分法语中/y/-/u/的对比(Levy,2009),很难感知rue(/y/:街道)和roue(/u/:车轮)之间的区别。
- 人类感知语音测试,得到参与者的行为数据。
- 自监督模型感知语音测试,模拟人类对音素的区分行为。
- 比较这两种表现。
刺激数据来自Perceptimatic Dataset, 它是一个包含了五个子数据集的语音感知数据。Perceptimatic包含了六种不同语言的音位辨别任务上的行为数据,共计662个音位对比,以及实验中使用的声音刺激。我们通过下面的代码来了解它的样子。在本文中,以法语和英语为母语的单语参与者的结果被考虑。
import tqdm
import os
import torch
import numpy as np
filename_triplet_list = "triplet_data.csv" # opensource
dataset_path = "dataset"
get_func = None
distance = None
def read_csv(filename):
lines = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
ind = lines[0].strip().split(',')
data = []
for line in lines[1:]:
data.append({name:value for name, value in zip(ind, line.strip().split(',')) })
return data
lines = read_csv(filename_triplet_list)
print(f"Number of Triplet Data:{len(lines)}")
print("Triplet Data Sample:")
for name, value in lines[0].items():
Number of Triplet Data:8461 Triplet Data Sample: : 0 triplet_id: triplet_83_B TGT_item: amelia_consonants_10.wav OTH_item: amelia_consonants_28.wav X_item: ewan_58.wav speaker_TGT: amelia speaker_OTH: amelia speaker_X: ewan language_TGT: EN language_OTH: EN language_X: EN TGT_first: False dataset: pilot-aug-2018
可以看到数据包含了8461个Triplet Data。
TGT_item 表明了目标音素序列的音频文件A,OTH_item表明了用于混淆的音频文件B,X_item则是具有与文件A相同的音素序列。此外,该数据还包括了了说话人和语种信息。让我们听听它们,试着体验一下。
from IPython.display import Audio, display
sample_data = lines[0]
TGT_func = lambda x : os.path.join(dataset_path, x["dataset"], "wavs_extracted", x["TGT_item"])
OTH_func = lambda x : os.path.join(dataset_path, x["dataset"], "wavs_extracted", x["OTH_item"])
X_func = lambda x : os.path.join(dataset_path, x["dataset"], "wavs_extracted", x["X_item"])
TGT_audio_sample = TGT_func(sample_data)
OTH_audio_sample = OTH_func(sample_data)
X_audio_sample = X_func(sample_data)
print("Sample A:")
print("Sample B:")
print("Sample X:")
Sample A:
Sample B:
Sample X:
听起来A和X是一样的,/atɑ/。中间的那个听起来像是/afɑ/。 现在让我们看看这些刺激对应的实验结果。
human_and_models_filename = "humans_and_models/file_data.csv" # opensource
human_and_models_data = read_csv(human_and_models_filename)
print(f"Number of Human Behavioural Experiments:{len(human_and_models_data)}")
for i in human_and_models_data:
if 'triplet_83_B' == i["triplet_id"]:
print("Data Sample (triplet_83_B):")
for name, value in i.items():
Number of Human Behavioural Experiments:87631 Data Sample (triplet_83_B): : 0 subject_id: X_IHTYDKWOUB subject_language: EN triplet_id: triplet_83_B TGT_item: amelia_consonants_10.wav OTH_item: amelia_consonants_28.wav X_item: ewan_58.wav speaker_TGT: amelia speaker_OTH: amelia speaker_X: ewan language_TGT: EN language_OTH: EN language_X: EN TGT_first: False user_ans: 1 bin_user_ans: 1 phone_TGT: t phone_OTH: f phone_X: t prev_phone: a next_phone: ɑ context: a_ɑ nb_stimuli: 0 dataset: pilot-aug-2018 deepspeech_englishtxt_rnn4: 0.15936934043274648 wav2vec_english_transf4: 0.12251163941376364 deepspeech_frenchtxt_rnn4: 0.1629706981896903 cpc_french_AR: 0.05872012213169375 wav2vec_french_transf4: 0.04093575305274538 hubert_french_transf_5: 0.04855605986577621 cpc_audioset_AR: -0.020788736911799943 mfccs_la: -0.0025078723330559174 cpc_english_AR: 0.050190139536198775 hubert_english_transf_5: 0.08956584890180974 wav2vec_audioset_transf4: 0.0319468904371876 hubert_audioset_transf_5: 0.04221348163325256 deepspeech_french_rnn4: 0.18394535542149 deepspeech_english_rnn4: 0.18102908468174178
这些刺激产生了87631条行为数据。我们还查看了刚才那个Triplet Data的第一个行为实验结果。比起刚才,我们得到了更多的信息:
- prev_phone 和 next_phone 确定了我们刚才所听到的内容。
- prev_phone 和 next_phone组成了context。
- user_ans 为1,说明听者选择了第一个。
from transformers import Wav2Vec2Processor, Wav2Vec2ForCTC
import soundfile as sf
# load model and tokenizer
processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h")
model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h").eval()
# read target audio with soundfiles
TGT_audio_data, sr = sf.read(TGT_audio_sample)
# tokenize
input_values = processor(TGT_audio_data, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest").input_values # Batch size 1
# retrieve model output including logits and hidden representation
output = model(input_values, output_hidden_states=True)
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Some weights of Wav2Vec2ForCTC were not initialized from the model checkpoint at facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h and are newly initialized: ['wav2vec2.masked_spec_embed'] You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference. It is strongly recommended to pass the ``sampling_rate`` argument to this function. Failing to do so can result in silent errors that might be hard to debug.
logits = output.logits
# take argmax and decode
predicted_ids = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1)
transcription = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids)
/AHTA/ 这看起来很不错,很接近我们听到的内容。一般来说,在研究深度神经网络的表示空间时,我们会使用模型中内部的某个特定的layer进行探查。wav2vec2是一个仅拥有encoder的模型,它所拥有的layer可以通过下面的命令查看:
# hidden state
print(f"# of Layers:{len(output.hidden_states)}")
print(f"Shape of each Layer:{output.hidden_states[0].shape}")
ModuleList( (0-11): 12 x Wav2Vec2EncoderLayer( (attention): Wav2Vec2Attention( (k_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True) (v_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True) (q_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True) (out_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True) ) (dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False) (layer_norm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True) (feed_forward): Wav2Vec2FeedForward( (intermediate_dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False) (intermediate_dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True) (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation() (output_dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True) (output_dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False) ) (final_layer_norm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True) ) ) # of Layers:13 Shape of each Layer:torch.Size([1, 31, 768])
def get_wav2vec_representation(audio_sample, layer=-1):
audio_data, sr = sf.read(audio_sample)
input_values = processor(audio_data, sampling_rate=16000, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest").input_values # Batch size 1
output = model(input_values, output_hidden_states=True)
return output.hidden_states[layer].squeeze().detach()
import librosa
def get_mfcc_representation(filename,layer=-1):
y, sr = librosa.load(filename)
spect = librosa.feature.mfcc(
win_length=int(0.025 * sr),
hop_length=int(0.010 * sr),
spect = spect.T
return spect
TGT = get_wav2vec_representation(TGT_audio_sample, layer=6)
OTH = get_wav2vec_representation(OTH_audio_sample, layer=6)
X = get_wav2vec_representation(X_audio_sample, layer=6)
TGT.shape, OTH.shape, X.shape
(torch.Size([31, 768]), torch.Size([34, 768]), torch.Size([25, 768]))
- A:[31, 768]
- B:[34, 768]
- C:[25, 768]
基于这三个表示的一个客观的度量需要被设计出来。它能够反映“哪个和X相似”这个性质。显然,直接进行形如“平方误差”的指标是不可行的,因为它们还拥有不同的时间刻度。一个可以解决这个问题的方法是动态时间规整(DTW,dynamic time warping)。
Image from: Rakthanmanon et al. “Searching and Mining Trillions of Time Series Subsequences under Dynamic Time Warping”, Figure 3.
为了直观,我们将ABC认为是一维的特征。那么我们可以把表示A认为是Q,也就是红色那个波形。表示C是C,蓝色的那根线。因为AC的内容是一样的,都是/ata/,它们是非常相似的。但是它们可能因为时间上的偏移,导致了的数据点的数量不一致(31 v.s. 25)。即便它们数据点数量一样,我们也会和左上方的展示的一样,得到很大的距离。也就是说它们“差别很大”。
$$ \Delta = \mathrm{DTW}(M_{other}, M_X) - \mathrm{DTW}(M_{target}, M_X)$$
其中DTW是使用动态时间规整来聚合沿着规整路径的帧级余弦距离得到的距离。 $\Delta$值越大(越正),模型在区分目标和其他音素类别方面的能力就越好。
from dtw_experiment import compute_dtw
TGT = get_wav2vec_representation(TGT_audio_sample, layer=6)
OTH = get_wav2vec_representation(OTH_audio_sample, layer=6)
X = get_wav2vec_representation(X_audio_sample, layer=6)
distance = "cosine"
TGTX = compute_dtw(TGT, X, distance, norm_div=True)
OTHX = compute_dtw(OTH, X, distance, norm_div=True)
wav2vec_delta = OTHX - TGTX
hubert_english_transf_5: 0.08956584890180974
cpc_french_AR: 0.05872012213169375
from dtw_experiment import compute_dtw
TGT = get_mfcc_representation(TGT_audio_sample)
OTH = get_mfcc_representation(OTH_audio_sample)
X = get_mfcc_representation(X_audio_sample)
distance = "cosine"
TGTX = compute_dtw(TGT, X, distance, norm_div=True)
OTHX = compute_dtw(OTH, X, distance, norm_div=True)
mfcc_delta = OTHX - TGTX
from transformers import WhisperProcessor, WhisperForConditionalGeneration
import soundfile as sf
processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-large-v2")
model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-large-v2")
model.config.forced_decoder_ids = None
sample = TGT_audio_sample
audio_data, sr = sf.read(sample)
input_features = processor(audio_data, sampling_rate=16000, return_tensors="pt").input_features
# generate token ids
predicted_ids = model.generate(inputs=input_features, output_hidden_states=True)
# decode token ids to text
transcription = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids, skip_special_tokens=False)
['<|startoftranscript|><|en|><|transcribe|><|notimestamps|> .<|endoftext|>']
transcription = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)
[' ATA']
def get_whiser_representation(audio_sample, layer=-1):
audio_data, sr = sf.read(audio_sample)
input_features_nopad = processor(audio_data, sampling_rate=16000, padding="do_not_pad", return_tensors="pt").input_features
input_features = processor(audio_data, sampling_rate=16000, return_tensors="pt").input_features
decoder_input_ids = torch.tensor([[1, 1]]) * model.config.decoder_start_token_id
output = model(input_features, output_hidden_states=True, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids)
return output.encoder_last_hidden_state[:,:input_features_nopad[0].shape[1],:].squeeze().detach()
from dtw_experiment import compute_dtw
TGT = get_whiser_representation(TGT_audio_sample)
OTH = get_whiser_representation(OTH_audio_sample)
X = get_whiser_representation(X_audio_sample)
distance = "cosine"
TGTX = compute_dtw(TGT, X, distance, norm_div=True)
OTHX = compute_dtw(OTH, X, distance, norm_div=True)
whisper_delta = OTHX - TGTX
from dtw_experiment import compute_dtw
def get_delta(
TGT = func(TGT_audio_sample)
OTH = func(OTH_audio_sample)
X = func(X_audio_sample)
distance = "cosine"
TGTX = compute_dtw(TGT, X, distance, norm_div=True)
OTHX = compute_dtw(OTH, X, distance, norm_div=True)
delta = OTHX - TGTX
return delta
triplets_data = read_csv(filename_triplet_list)
triplets_result = {}
func = get_mfcc_representation
for triplet_item in tqdm.tqdm(triplets_data, desc="Computing delta values...."):
TGT_audio_sample = TGT_func(triplet_item)
OTH_audio_sample = OTH_func(triplet_item)
X_audio_sample = X_func(triplet_item)
triplets_result[triplet_item["triplet_id"]] = get_delta(TGT_audio_sample,OTH_audio_sample,X_audio_sample,func)
for item in human_and_models_data:
#item[model_name] = triplets_result[item["triplet_id"]]
for k in item:
if k in ["TGT_first", "subject_id", "dataset"]: continue
item[k] = float(item[k])
两种指标用于评估自监督模型的表示空间与人类对语音的感知空间相匹配的程度 (See Paper Sec. 5.2)。
the log-likelihood
the Spearman correlation (ρ)
The log-likelihood¶
1.解释:为什么不是我们常用的线性回归? 我们尝试直接使用线性回归进行处理。设因变量为听者答案的正确和错误,有
$$ \begin{equation} y = \left\{ \begin{array}{**lr**} 1 & \mathrm{Correct} \\ 0 & \mathrm{Incorrect} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} $$
影响$y$的因素记为$x=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)$ (为了简化,这里不会标记单个样本),得到多元回归(Linear Probability Model)的式子
$$ \begin{equation} y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + ... + + \beta_n x_n + \epsilon \end{equation} $$
其中$(\beta_1,\beta_2,...,\beta_n)^T=\boldsymbol \beta$表示参数,$\epsilon$为误差项,使用向量形式有
$$ \begin{equation} y = \beta_0 + \boldsymbol \beta \mathbf x + \epsilon \end{equation} $$
根据随机误差项的零均值假设:$\mathbb{E}(\epsilon|\mathbf x)=0$,有
$$ \begin{equation} \mathbb{E}(y|\mathbf x) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + ... + \beta_n x_n \end{equation} $$
$$ \begin{equation} Q = \sum^n_1(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 = \sum^n_1(y_i - (\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + ... + \beta_n x_n))^2 \end{equation} $$
$$ \begin{align} \mathbb{E}(y) & = 0 \times (1-p) + 1 \times p \\ & = p \\ & = P(y=1|\mathbf x) \\ & = \hat{y} \\ & = \hat{\beta_0} + \hat{\beta_1} x_1 + \hat{\beta_2} x_2 + ... + + \hat{\beta_n} x_n \end{align} $$
$$ \begin{equation} \Delta P(y=1|\mathbf x) = \beta_i \Delta x_i \end{equation} $$
也就是说在这个模型中,$\beta_i$ 的含义是当$x_i$增加一个单位时,$y$的期望值增加$\beta_i$个单位,而不考虑其他变量的影响。这个效应是恒定的,不随着$x$的变化而变化。
$$P(y=1|\mathbf x) = \Phi (\mathbf x \beta) = \int_{-\inf}^{\mathbf x \beta} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \mathrm{exp}(-\frac{z^2}{2})dz\tag {1}$$
这就是Probit模型。为了估计参数 $\beta$ ,我们可以利用最大似然函数的方法,构造如下的似然函数:
$$ L (\beta)=\prod_ {i=1}^ {n}P (y_i=1|\mathrm x_ {i})^ {y_i} [1-P (y_i=1|\mathrm x_ {i})]^ {1-y_i}\tag {2}$$
$$L (\beta)=\prod_ {i=1}^ {n}[\Phi (\mathrm x_ {i}\beta)]^ {y_i} [1-\Phi (\mathrm x_ {i}\beta)]^ {1-y_i}\tag {3}$$
$$ \ln L (\beta)=\sum_ {i=1}^ {n}[y_i\ln \Phi (\mathrm x_ {i} \beta)+(1-y_i)\ln (1-\Phi (\mathrm x_ {i}\beta))]\tag {4}$$
我们的目标是找到使得对数似然函数最大的$ \beta $值,也就是最大似然估计。由于对数似然函数没有解析解,我们只能通过数值方法来求解,比如牛顿法或拟牛顿法等。
- 正确答案是否为A(1)或B(0);
- 试验在实验列表中的顺序;
- 一个用于参与者的分类预测变量;
- 一个用于结果所属的Perceptimatic子集。
在使用过程中,需要将部分变量映射到$[0,1]$的范围和标准化。the log-likelihood是从拟合的回归模型中获得的:the log-likelihood越大(负值越小),给定模型的$\Delta$值越好地预测实验数据;也就说:模型能够更好地预测人类的表现。因此,模型的表示空间与实验参与者的感知空间越相似。此外,它可以用来比较不同的模型,看哪个模型更能够拟合数据。
from multiprocessing import Pool
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.formula.api import probit
from sampling import get_dico_corres_file, sample_lines
model_name = "wav2vec_audioset_transf4"
dico_lines = get_dico_corres_file(human_and_models_filename, french=False, english = True)
lines_sampled = sample_lines(dico_lines)
data_ = pd.DataFrame(human_and_models_data)
data_['bin_user_ans'] = (data_['bin_user_ans'] + 1.) / 2 # we transform -1 1 into 0 1
data_['TGT_first'] = data_['TGT_first'].astype(bool)
data_['TGT_first_code'] = data_['TGT_first'].astype(int)
data = data_.iloc[lines_sampled]
data_worker = data.copy()
# normalize data
for val in ['nb_stimuli', model_name]:
data_worker[val] = (data[val] -data[val].mean())/data[val].std()
python的statsmodels库提供了方便的probit api。代码使用了"wav2vec_audioset_transf4"的$\Delta$值和上面提到的三个特征作为预测变量。
# we create the probit model
model_probit = probit("bin_user_ans ~ C(subject_id) + C(dataset) + nb_stimuli + " + model_name, data_worker)
result_probit = model_probit.fit_regularized(max_iter=200, disp=True)
loglikehood = model_probit.loglike(result_probit.params)
Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0) Current function value: 0.5095092161564122 Iterations: 644 Function evaluations: 644 Gradient evaluations: 644
Dep. Variable: | bin_user_ans | No. Observations: | 42305 |
Model: | Probit | Df Residuals: | 42019 |
Method: | MLE | Df Model: | 285 |
Date: | Tue, 07 Nov 2023 | Pseudo R-squ.: | 0.06204 |
Time: | 11:10:08 | Log-Likelihood: | -21555. |
converged: | True | LL-Null: | -22981. |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust | LLR p-value: | 0.000 |
# pre calculated result
result_filename = "results.csv"
with open(result_filename, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
idxs = lines[0].strip().split(",")[1:]
result_data = []
for line in lines[1:]: result_data.append([float(_) for _ in line.strip().split(",")][1:])
mean = np.average(result_data, axis=0)
variance = np.var(result_data, axis=0)
x = np.arange(len(idxs))
rank_data = [[i,j] for i,j in zip(mean, idxs)]
rank_data = sorted(rank_data, key=lambda x : -x[0])
mean, idxs = [round(_[0]) for _ in rank_data], [_[1] for _ in rank_data]
from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType
CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = NotebookType.JUPYTER_LAB
from pyecharts.charts import Bar
from pyecharts import options as opts
bar = (
.add_yaxis("Log-likelihood values (shorter bars are better)", mean)
title="Log-likelihood values", subtitle="For English participants"),
yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(min_=-21700, max_=-20000)
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame(src='./bar_chart_1.html', width=1000, height=600)
The Spearman correlation (ρ)¶
该部分计算了模型∆值的与参与者准确性的斯皮尔曼相关系数(Spearman's ρ),计算是在每个音位对比的水平上进行的。具体来说:
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import spearmanr
data = pd.read_csv(human_and_models_filename)
dico_lines_french = get_dico_corres_file(human_and_models_filename, french=True, english=False)
dico_lines_english = get_dico_corres_file(human_and_models_filename, french=False, english=True)
list_sampled_english = sample_lines(dico_lines_english)
dff = data.iloc[list_sampled_english]
value_evaluated = "wav2vec_audioset_transf4"
# We get only what we need
dff = dff[[
# We adapt to some dataset that have a -3 / 3 scale
dff.loc[dff['dataset'] == "WorldVowels", ['user_ans']] = dff.loc[dff['dataset'] == "WorldVowels", ['user_ans']] / 3.
dff.loc[dff['dataset'] == "zerospeech", ['user_ans']] = dff.loc[dff['dataset'] == "zerospeech", ['user_ans']] / 3.
# We average over triplet first
gf = dff.groupby([
'dataset'], as_index = False)
ans_fr = gf.user_ans.mean()
val_fr = gf[value_evaluated].mean()
ans_fr[value_evaluated] = val_fr[value_evaluated]
(8461, (('BR_TRIP10222_0', 'e', 'ĩ', 's', 'k', 'BR', 'BR', 'WorldVowels'), triplet_id phone_TGT phone_OTH prev_phone next_phone language_OTH \ 26129 BR_TRIP10222_0 e ĩ s k BR 29265 BR_TRIP10222_0 e ĩ s k BR 29265 BR_TRIP10222_0 e ĩ s k BR 26129 BR_TRIP10222_0 e ĩ s k BR 28658 BR_TRIP10222_0 e ĩ s k BR language_TGT dataset user_ans wav2vec_audioset_transf4 26129 BR WorldVowels -0.333333 0.031396 29265 BR WorldVowels 0.666667 0.031396 29265 BR WorldVowels 0.666667 0.031396 26129 BR WorldVowels -0.333333 0.031396 28658 BR WorldVowels 1.000000 0.031396 ))
triplet_id | phone_TGT | phone_OTH | prev_phone | next_phone | language_OTH | language_TGT | dataset | user_ans | wav2vec_audioset_transf4 | |
0 | BR_TRIP10222_0 | e | ĩ | s | k | BR | BR | WorldVowels | 3.333333e-01 | 0.031396 |
1 | BR_TRIP10222_1 | e | ĩ | s | k | BR | BR | WorldVowels | 2.000000e-01 | 0.031396 |
2 | BR_TRIP10726_0 | i | ɛ | d | s | BR | BR | WorldVowels | 9.333333e-01 | 0.054557 |
3 | BR_TRIP10726_1 | i | ɛ | d | s | BR | BR | WorldVowels | 9.333333e-01 | 0.054557 |
4 | BR_TRIP10775_0 | i | e | d | s | BR | BR | WorldVowels | -6.666667e-02 | 0.019795 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
8456 | triplet_FR995 | y | l | t | e | FR | FR | zerospeech | 4.440892e-17 | 0.034653 |
8457 | triplet_FR996 | y | l | t | e | FR | FR | zerospeech | 4.440892e-17 | 0.034653 |
8458 | triplet_FR997 | y | l | p | d | FR | FR | zerospeech | -6.666667e-02 | -0.024223 |
8459 | triplet_FR998 | y | l | p | d | FR | FR | zerospeech | 2.666667e-01 | -0.024223 |
8460 | triplet_FR999 | y | l | s | i | FR | FR | zerospeech | 7.333333e-01 | 0.027158 |
8461 rows × 10 columns
# Then we average over context
gf = ans_fr.groupby([
'dataset'], as_index = False)
ans_fr = gf.user_ans.mean()
val_fr = gf[value_evaluated].mean()
ans_fr[value_evaluated] = val_fr[value_evaluated]
(3401, (('a', 'aː', 'f', 'f', 'GL', 'GL', 'WorldVowels'), triplet_id phone_TGT phone_OTH prev_phone next_phone language_OTH \ 1998 GL_TRIP1548_0 a aː f f GL 1999 GL_TRIP1548_1 a aː f f GL 2026 GL_TRIP2165_0 a aː f f GL 2027 GL_TRIP2165_1 a aː f f GL 2114 GL_TRIP945_0 a aː f f GL 2115 GL_TRIP945_1 a aː f f GL language_TGT dataset user_ans wav2vec_audioset_transf4 1998 GL WorldVowels 0.866667 -0.005935 1999 GL WorldVowels 0.733333 -0.005935 2026 GL WorldVowels 0.266667 0.062786 2027 GL WorldVowels 0.133333 0.062786 2114 GL WorldVowels 0.533333 0.020428 2115 GL WorldVowels 0.600000 0.020428 ))
phone_TGT | phone_OTH | prev_phone | next_phone | language_OTH | language_TGT | dataset | user_ans | wav2vec_audioset_transf4 | |
0 | a | aː | f | f | GL | GL | WorldVowels | 0.522222 | 0.025759 |
1 | a | aː | g | g | GL | GL | WorldVowels | 0.322222 | 0.044892 |
2 | a | aː | p | p | GL | GL | WorldVowels | 0.200000 | -0.005515 |
3 | a | e | d | k | FR | FR | zerospeech | -0.066667 | 0.011050 |
4 | a | e | i | d | FR | FR | zerospeech | 0.500000 | 0.054048 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3396 | θ | s | a | ɑ | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | -0.600000 | 0.009272 |
3397 | θ | s | i | i | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 1.000000 | 0.017195 |
3398 | θ | t | i | i | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.400000 | 0.055567 |
3399 | θ | ʃ | a | ɑ | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 1.000000 | 0.010789 |
3400 | θ | ʃ | i | i | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.200000 | 0.011312 |
3401 rows × 9 columns
# then we average over phone contrast
gf = ans_fr.groupby([
'dataset'], as_index=False)
ans_fr = gf.user_ans.mean()
val_fr = gf[value_evaluated].mean()
ans_fr[value_evaluated] = val_fr[value_evaluated]
(1285, (('a', 'aː', 'GL', 'GL', 'WorldVowels'), phone_TGT phone_OTH prev_phone next_phone language_OTH language_TGT \ 0 a aː f f GL GL 1 a aː g g GL GL 2 a aː p p GL GL dataset user_ans wav2vec_audioset_transf4 0 WorldVowels 0.522222 0.025759 1 WorldVowels 0.322222 0.044892 2 WorldVowels 0.200000 -0.005515 ))
phone_TGT | phone_OTH | language_OTH | language_TGT | dataset | user_ans | wav2vec_audioset_transf4 | |
0 | a | aː | GL | GL | WorldVowels | 0.348148 | 0.021712 |
1 | a | e | FR | FR | zerospeech | 0.311111 | 0.036211 |
2 | a | i | EN_DR2 | EN_DR2 | pilot-july-2018 | 0.466667 | 0.033544 |
3 | a | i | EN_DR3 | EN_DR3 | pilot-july-2018 | 0.200000 | 0.073582 |
4 | a | i | EN_DR7 | EN_DR7 | pilot-july-2018 | 0.200000 | 0.090170 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1280 | θ | k | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.600000 | 0.003462 |
1281 | θ | p | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.600000 | 0.023903 |
1282 | θ | s | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.200000 | 0.013234 |
1283 | θ | t | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.400000 | 0.055567 |
1284 | θ | ʃ | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.600000 | 0.011051 |
1285 rows × 7 columns
# the we average over order TGT-OTH or the other way around
res = ans_fr.copy()
res['phone_TGT'] = ans_fr['phone_OTH']
res['phone_OTH'] = ans_fr['phone_TGT']
res['language_OTH'] = ans_fr['language_TGT']
res['language_TGT'] = ans_fr['language_OTH']
total = pd.concat([ans_fr, res], axis=0)
gf = total.groupby(['phone_TGT', 'phone_OTH', 'language_OTH','language_TGT', 'dataset'], as_index=False)
ans_fr = gf.user_ans.mean()
val_fr = gf[value_evaluated].mean()
ans_fr[value_evaluated] = val_fr[value_evaluated]
phone_TGT | phone_OTH | language_OTH | language_TGT | dataset | user_ans | wav2vec_audioset_transf4 | |
0 | a | aː | GL | GL | WorldVowels | 0.201852 | 0.003995 |
1 | a | e | FR | FR | zerospeech | 0.438889 | 0.009876 |
2 | a | i | EN_DR2 | EN_DR2 | pilot-july-2018 | 0.633333 | 0.053046 |
3 | a | i | EN_DR3 | EN_DR3 | pilot-july-2018 | 0.200000 | 0.073582 |
4 | a | i | EN_DR4 | EN_DR4 | pilot-july-2018 | 0.600000 | 0.068183 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1319 | θ | k | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.700000 | 0.010990 |
1320 | θ | p | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.600000 | 0.018190 |
1321 | θ | s | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.600000 | 0.022778 |
1322 | θ | t | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.500000 | 0.038148 |
1323 | θ | ʃ | EN | EN | pilot-aug-2018 | 0.600000 | 0.038617 |
1324 rows × 7 columns
rho_fr, p_fr = spearmanr(ans_fr['user_ans'], ans_fr[value_evaluated])
print(value_evaluated, rho_fr, p_fr)
wav2vec_audioset_transf4 0.3842111077640824 8.016630361775731e-48
# pre calculated result
result_filename = "beginning_outfile_english.csv"
with open(result_filename, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
idxs = lines[0].strip().split(",")[1:]
result_data = []
for line in lines[1:]: result_data.append([float(_) for _ in line.strip().split(",")][1:])
mean = [round(_, 3) for _ in np.average(result_data, axis=0)]
variance = np.var(result_data, axis=0)
x = np.arange(len(idxs))
rank_data = [[i,j] for i,j in zip(mean, idxs)]
rank_data = sorted(rank_data, key=lambda x : -x[0])
mean, idxs = [_[0] for _ in rank_data], [_[1] for _ in rank_data]
from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType
CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = NotebookType.JUPYTER_LAB
from pyecharts.charts import Bar
from pyecharts import options as opts
bar = (
.add_yaxis("the Spearman correlation (ρ)", mean)
title="the Spearman correlation (ρ)"),
yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(min_=0.3, max_=0.6)
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame(src='./bar_chart_2.html', width=1000, height=600)
在这一部分,对于每个模型,我们计算其母语效应与人类听众的母语效应之间的皮尔逊相关系数。相关系数越接近1,给定模型捕捉到的音素级母语效应就越好。 在这里,自监督模型的表现比通用的MFCC特征差。这表明,在音素对比度水平上,自监督模型对人类语音感知的某个组成部分捕捉得不够好。
Native language effect¶
在上面的部分,我们进行了全局上的衡量,度量模型的表征空间与人类听众的知觉空间之间的吻合度。在这部分我们评估模型是否能够重现由人类参与者的所表现出来的母语偏好。 具体来说,我们会评估分别由法语和英语数据训练的模型,是否展示出与法语和英语母语者相同的辨别行为。其大致思路为:
- 每个模型的$\Delta$值将会被归一化,用于模型之间的对比。
- 对于每个音素对比对,计算总体准确率。
- 对于每个音素对比对,法语训练模型的平均$\Delta$值减去英语模型的平均$\Delta$值。英语参与者和法语参与者的准确率也进行了相同的操作。这个数值可以认为是在某个音素对比对上的母语效应。
- 对于每个模型,计算每个音素对比对的母语效应与人类听众的母语效应之间的皮尔逊相关系数。
data = pd.read_csv(human_and_models_filename, sep=',', encoding='utf-8')
dico_lines_french = get_dico_corres_file(human_and_models_filename, french=True, english=False)
dico_lines_english = get_dico_corres_file(human_and_models_filename, french=False, english=True)
list_sampled_french = sample_lines(dico_lines_french)
list_sampled_english = sample_lines(dico_lines_english)
lines_sampled = list_sampled_french + list_sampled_english
data = data.iloc[lines_sampled]
data.loc[data['dataset'] == "WorldVowels", ['user_ans']] = data.loc[data['dataset'] == "WorldVowels", ['user_ans']] / 3.
data.loc[data['dataset'] == "zerospeech", ['user_ans']] = data.loc[data['dataset'] == "zerospeech", ['user_ans']] / 3.
data_fr = data[data['subject_language'] == 'FR'].copy()
data_en = data[data['subject_language'] == 'EN'].copy()
dico_models = {'wav2vec_transf4':{'english':'wav2vec_english_transf4', 'french':'wav2vec_french_transf4'},
'hubert':{'english':'hubert_english_transf_5', 'french':'hubert_french_transf_5'},
'deepspeech_phon':{'english':'deepspeech_english_rnn4', 'french':'deepspeech_french_rnn4'},
'cpc':{'english':'cpc_english_AR', 'french':'cpc_french_AR'},
'deepspeech_txt': {'english': 'deepspeech_englishtxt_rnn4', 'french': 'deepspeech_frenchtxt_rnn4'},
values_comparison_english = [dico_models[modi]['english'] for modi in dico_models]
values_comparison_french = [dico_models[modi]['french'] for modi in dico_models]
# We normalize english and french side for the model so they are comparable
for i in range(len(values_comparison_english)):
data_fr[values_comparison_french[i]] = data_fr[values_comparison_french[i]] / data_fr[
data_en[values_comparison_english[i]] = data_en[values_comparison_english[i]] / data_en[
# Select data interested, same as above cells
data_en['contrast'] = data_en['phone_TGT'] + ';' + data_en['phone_OTH'] + ';' + data_en['language_OTH'] + ';' + data_en['language_TGT'] + ';' + data_en[ 'dataset']
data_fr['contrast'] = data_fr['phone_TGT'] + ';' + data_fr['phone_OTH'] + ';' + data_fr['language_OTH'] + ';' + data_fr['language_TGT'] + ';' + data_fr[ 'dataset']
# construct contrast data
data_fr_contrast = {}
data_en_contrast = {}
# assign a empty dict for later uses
for k in values_comparison_french + ['user_ans']:
data_fr_contrast[k] = {}
for k in values_comparison_english + ['user_ans']:
data_en_contrast[k] = {}
# loop each item, aggregate each contrast for each model
for idx in range(len(data_en)):
item = data_en.iloc[idx]
contrast = item['contrast'].replace('"', "")
for k in values_comparison_english + ['user_ans']:
delta = float(item[k])
data_en_contrast[k][contrast] = data_en_contrast[k].get(contrast, []) + [delta] # same as append()
for idx in range(len(data_fr)):
item = data_fr.iloc[idx]
contrast = item['contrast'].replace('"', "")
for k in values_comparison_french + ['user_ans']:
delta = float(item[k])
data_fr_contrast[k][contrast] = data_fr_contrast[k].get(contrast, []) + [delta] # same as append()
# sample
# {'wav2vec_english_transf4': {
# 'i;ʊ;EN_DR7;EN_DR7;pilot-july-2018': [0.7581879995638313,0.7581879995638313,0.7581879995638313],
# 'ʊ;ʌ;EN_DR7;EN_DR7;pilot-july-2018': [0.44245396646602203,0.32058457305888916,0.32058457305888916],
# 'a;u;EN_DR2;EN_DR2;pilot-july-2018': [0.3934868173149888,0.3934868173149888,0.3934868173149888],
# 'æ;ʊ;EN_DR5;EN_DR5;pilot-july-2018': [0.7740108224569093,0.7740108224569093,0.7740108224569093],
# ...
# we average the results
for k in values_comparison_english + ['user_ans']:
for cont in data_en_contrast[k]:
data_en_contrast[k][cont] = np.asarray(data_en_contrast[k][cont]).mean()
for k in values_comparison_french + ['user_ans']:
for cont in data_fr_contrast[k]:
data_fr_contrast[k][cont] = np.asarray(data_fr_contrast[k][cont]).mean()
# sample
# {'wav2vec_english_transf4': {
# 'i;ʊ;EN_DR7;EN_DR7;pilot-july-2018': 1.3776102894272364,
# 'ʊ;ʌ;EN_DR7;EN_DR7;pilot-july-2018': 0.44245396646602203,
# 'a;u;EN_DR2;EN_DR2;pilot-july-2018': 2.9639408282294744,
# 'æ;ʊ;EN_DR5;EN_DR5;pilot-july-2018': 0.7740108224569093,
triplet_list = list(data_en_contrast[values_comparison_english[0]].keys())
diff_humans = []
diff_models = {}
for i in range(len(values_comparison_english)):
diff_models[values_comparison_english[i]] = []
triplet_done = []
diffs = []
for trip in triplet_list:
if trip in triplet_done:
# we average on TGT-OTH OTH-TGT
other = trip.split(';')
other = ';'.join([other[1], other[0], other[3], other[2], other[4]])
if trip in data_fr_contrast['user_ans'] and not trip in data_en_contrast['user_ans']:
print('ERROR triplet not test on eng', trip)
elif trip not in data_fr_contrast['user_ans'] and trip in data_en_contrast[
print('ERROR triplet not test on fre', trip)
elif trip not in data_fr_contrast['user_ans'] and trip not in data_en_contrast[
print('ERROR triplet not test on fre and on en', trip)
val_fr_human = (data_fr_contrast['user_ans'][trip] + data_fr_contrast['user_ans'].get(other, data_fr_contrast['user_ans'][trip])) / 2.
val_en_human = (data_en_contrast['user_ans'][trip] + data_en_contrast['user_ans'].get(other,data_en_contrast['user_ans'][trip])) / 2.
diff_humans.append(val_fr_human - val_en_human)
for i in range(len(values_comparison_english)):
# average on TGT-OTH OTH-TGT
val_fr_model = (data_fr_contrast[values_comparison_french[i]][trip] +
data_fr_contrast[values_comparison_french[i]].get(other,data_fr_contrast[values_comparison_french[i]][trip])) / 2.
val_en_model = (data_en_contrast[values_comparison_english[i]][trip] +
data_en_contrast[values_comparison_english[i]].get(other,data_en_contrast[values_comparison_english[i]][trip])) / 2.
# core code
diff_models[values_comparison_english[i]].append(val_fr_model - val_en_model)
diffs += [np.asarray(diff_humans)]
for i in range(len(values_comparison_english)):
diffs += [diff_models[values_comparison_english[i]]]
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
rs = []
diff_humans = diffs[0]
for i in range(len((dico_models.keys()))):
r, p = pearsonr(diffs[i+1], diff_humans)
0.015723982716882613 0.6863389024697809 0.040789548947215024 0.29466542980729943 0.09660902151954646 0.01288942527914428 0.07633362519653619 0.049626580245979955 0.09889294029729122 0.010900056633808195
# pre calculated result
result_filename = "file_out.csv"
with open(result_filename, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
idxs = lines[0].strip().split(",")[1:]
result_data = []
for line in lines[1:]: result_data.append([float(_) for _ in line.strip().split(",")][1:])
mean = np.mean(result_data, axis=0)
mean = [mean[_] for _ in [0,2,4,6,8]]
idxs = [idxs[_] for _ in [0,2,4,6,8]]
from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType
CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = NotebookType.JUPYTER_LAB
from pyecharts.charts import Bar
from pyecharts import options as opts
bar = (
.add_yaxis("Native language effect", mean)
title="Native language effect"),
yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(min_=0.0, max_=0.6)
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame(src='./bar_chart_4.html', width=1000, height=600)
上图显示了在整个Perceptimatic数据集上评估的母语效应(see Figure 4 in paper)。cpc和deepspeech拥有相似的辨别组间差异的能力。然而,hubert和wav2vec2则没有显示出明显的母语效应。这个结果大致上符合预期,大规模的无标签数据的语音模型在预训练阶段就已经掌握了强大的,非特定语言语音的区分能力。比起60000小时的预训练数据,600小时的监督训练对于前面几层transformer layer的影响可能是不大的。
Part Two: Dissecting neural computations of the human auditory pathway using deep neural networks for speech¶
Part One的部分在语音刺激和人类行为实验的角度上,考察了DNN的表征空间的和人类感知上的相似性。在这一部分我们将处理脑电信号,分析DNN层级表示和人类听觉通路的层次结构之间的关系。
Speech Stimuli¶
see Section: Experimental paradigm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
%matplotlib inline
from scipy.stats import zscore, ttest_rel, f_oneway, ttest_ind
from scipy.signal import resample
from scipy.io import wavfile
from asccd import timit, preanalysis, erps, plotting, util
from asccd import temporal_receptive_field as trf
timit_annotation = timit.get_timit_annotations()
time | pitch | intensity | log_hz | erb_rate | rel_pitch_global | rel_pitch_global_erb | abs_pitch | abs_pitch_erb | abs_pitch_change | ... | front | low | back | plosive | fricative | syllabic | nasal | voiced | obstruent | sonorant | ||
fadg0_si1279 | 0 | 0.01 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0.02 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
2 | 0.03 | NaN | 32.27 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 0.04 | NaN | 32.68 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
4 | 0.05 | NaN | 30.99 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
mzmb0_si1796 | 186 | 1.87 | NaN | 33.69 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
187 | 1.88 | NaN | 32.45 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
188 | 1.89 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
189 | 1.90 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
190 | 1.91 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
101961 rows × 27 columns
Index(['time', 'pitch', 'intensity', 'log_hz', 'erb_rate', 'rel_pitch_global', 'rel_pitch_global_erb', 'abs_pitch', 'abs_pitch_erb', 'abs_pitch_change', 'abs_pitch_erb_change', 'zscore_intensity', 'phn', 'dorsal', 'coronal', 'labial', 'high', 'front', 'low', 'back', 'plosive', 'fricative', 'syllabic', 'nasal', 'voiced', 'obstruent', 'sonorant'], dtype='object')
数据是被预先标记好的。除了声学参数 pitch, intensity, log_hz, erb_rate, rel_pitch_global,rel_pitch_global_erb,abs_pitch,abs_pitch_erb,abs_pitch_change,abs_pitch_erb_change, zscore_intensity之外。发音属性使用0/1编码的方式被标记。发音属性是一个很有用概念,它描述了语音中的特定音素、音节或其他声音单元的特征或属性,包括发音位置和方式等。在处理非母语者语音产出数据时,它们可被用来诊断第二语言学习者的发音错误。
num_sentences = len(set([i[0] for i in timit_annotation.to_dict()["time"].keys()]))
print("# of Timit dataset used:", num_sentences)
print("Play Druation of Timit dataset used:", len(timit_annotation)/100 + (num_sentences - 1) * 0.04)
# of Timit dataset used: 499 Play Druation of Timit dataset used: 1039.53
499。这个数字符合文献的报告。 在时间帧的水平之上,我们考虑得到音素和音节级别的信息。这为后面的层级表示分析提供了基础。
timit_syllables = timit.load_timit_syllables()
start_times | end_times | syllable_phns | ||
timit_name | syllable_index | |||
mmds0_si1973 | 0 | 0.132250 | 0.230187 | dh ax-h q |
1 | 0.230187 | 0.260813 | eh | |
2 | 0.260813 | 0.318500 | nx ih | |
3 | 0.318500 | 0.458813 | m iy | |
4 | 0.458813 | 0.672687 | dcl d ih dcl | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
mbma1_si2207 | 0 | 0.143063 | 0.337375 | ae z |
1 | 0.337375 | 0.484500 | w iy | |
2 | 0.484500 | 0.720000 | ey tcl | |
3 | 0.720000 | 0.827000 | w iy | |
4 | 0.827000 | 1.317937 | tcl t ao kcl t |
4233 rows × 3 columns
timit_phonemes = timit.get_timit_phonemes()
start_time | end_time | phn | silence | ||
timit_name | phoneme_index | ||||
makr0_si1352 | 0 | 0.000000 | 0.150000 | h# | True |
1 | 0.150000 | 0.250625 | ae | False | |
2 | 0.250625 | 0.375625 | s | False | |
3 | 0.375625 | 0.496750 | ah | False | |
4 | 0.496750 | 0.513000 | tcl | False | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
mgaw0_si535 | 23 | 1.612500 | 1.652500 | k | False |
24 | 1.652500 | 1.741500 | axr | False | |
25 | 1.741500 | 1.785875 | ix | False | |
26 | 1.785875 | 1.857500 | ng | False | |
27 | 1.857500 | 2.115000 | h# | True |
12716 rows × 4 columns
Brain Recordings¶
来自UCSF医学中心或华山医院的神经外科患者参与了脑电信号的记录。相同规格的高密度ECoG电极网格(由Integra或PMT制造)放置在颞叶的侧表面上。电极网格总共有128个(16×8)个接触通道,中心到中心间距为4毫米,裸露接触直径为1.17毫米。在实验任务期间,使用光学连接到数字信号处理器(Tucker-Davis Technologies)的多通道放大器从ECoG电极网格记录神经信号。数据记录使用TDT Synapse软件进行。在每个电极接触点处放大和采样局部场电位,采样频率为3,052赫兹。信号在经过噪声处理和重新平均等后,使用Hilbert变换计算了八个高斯滤波器(中心频率为70-150赫兹)的解析幅度。高伽玛信号(HG,high-gamma signal)被定义为这八个频带的平均解析幅度,并且信号被下采样到100赫兹。对直接记录的信号进行处理非常的复杂,作者提供了有限的用于展示的数据。
subject = 'HS11'
all_hgs = [preanalysis.load_hg(subject, block) for block in range(9, 11)]
all_times = [preanalysis.load_times(subject, block) for block in range(9, 11)]
all_names = [timit.get_timit_names_for_timit_block(1), timit.get_timit_names_for_timit_block(5)]
(2, (128, 32600), (1, 124), 124)
Find Speech Responsive Channels¶
接受信号的是一个16×8的电极网格,并不是所有的电极对应的区域都与语音响应相关。我们想知道哪些通道在语音刺激发生后,神经信号有显著变化。在做前后差异的显著性水平检验之前,我们需要构建配对样本。在一个刺激事件发生的时候,-0.2s到1.0s的HG (也就是120个神经信号)被用于构建语音开始前后的样本对。我们在两个实验块上一共得到224个刺激。
# get_timelocked_activity returns an array of shape (n_chans, n_timepoints, n_trials)
# which has hg activity that is timelocked to times (in seconds).
# Default time course returned is -0.2s to 1.0s.
Y_mats = []
for onsets_one_block, hg in zip(all_times, all_hgs):
Y_mats.append(erps.get_timelocked_activity(onsets_one_block, hg))
Y_mats = np.concatenate(Y_mats, axis=2)
(128, 120, 124) (128, 120, 100) (128, 120, 224)
# find speech responsive channels
Y_mat_before_onset = np.nanmean(Y_mats[:, :30, :], axis=1)
Y_mat_after_onset = np.nanmean(Y_mats[:, 35:, :], axis=1)
results = ttest_rel(Y_mat_before_onset, Y_mat_after_onset, axis=1)
responsive_chans = np.arange((len(results.pvalue)))[results.pvalue < 0.01/(len(results.pvalue))]
print("speech responsive channels: #", len(responsive_chans))
speech responsive channels: # 54 [ 37 38 39 40 41 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 112 113 114 116 118 119 121]
上方打印了显著水平的p < 0.01
fig, axs = plt.subplots(8, 16, figsize=(25, 15))
axs = axs.flatten()
xvals = np.linspace(-0.2, 1, 120)
for i in range(128):
plotting.plot_filled_sem(Y_mats[i], xvals, ax= axs[i], xlabel="", ylabel="",ylim=(-1,2.5), color='b')
if i in responsive_chans:
axs[i].text(0.55,0.8, '*', color='r')
for i, ax in enumerate(axs):
ax.set(yticklabels=[], xticklabels=[], xticks=[0, 1])
_ = ax.text(0.55, 0.85, str(i+1), transform=ax.transAxes)
_ = axs[-16].set(yticks=[-1, 0, 1, 2], yticklabels=[-1, 0, 1, 2], xticklabels=[0, 1], xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="High-gamma \n(z-score across block)")
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
gs_brains = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[0.7, 1], hspace=0.1)
ax_brain = plt.subplot(gs_brains[0])
ax_inset = plt.subplot(gs_brains[1])
plotting.brain_inset([ax_brain, ax_inset], subject='HS11', response_channels=responsive_chans)
Time-delayed linear encoding models (TRF models)¶
$$ y(t) = \sum_{f=1}^{F} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \boldsymbol \beta_f^F(\tau) \boldsymbol x_f(t - \tau) + \epsilon $$
其中$y$是记录在电极上的高伽马活动,$\boldsymbol x_f(t - \tau)$是特征$f$在时间$t - \tau$的刺激表示向量,$\boldsymbol \beta_f^F(\tau)$是在时延$\tau$处特征集$f$的回归权重,$\epsilon$表示高斯噪声。
from asccd import temporal_receptive_field as trf
delays = trf.get_delays(delay_seconds=0.4)
stim_resp = trf.get_trf_stim_resp(all_hgs, all_times, all_names)
all_spec_features = stim_resp[0] # length 224, first item has shape (165, 30)
all_intensity_features = stim_resp[1] # length 224, first item has shape (165, 1)
all_binary_pitch_features = stim_resp[2] # length 224, first item has shape (165, 1)
all_abs_pitch_features = stim_resp[3] # length 224, first item has shape (165, 10)
all_rel_pitch_features = stim_resp[4] # length 224, first item has shape (165, 10)
all_pitch_change_features = stim_resp[5] # length 224, first item has shape (165, 10)
all_Y = stim_resp[6] # length 224, first item has shape (165, 128)
- 绝对音高被定义为以赫兹为单位的F0值的自然对数。
- 相对音高是通过对每个句子/段落(在说话人内部)的绝对音高值(log(F0))进行z-score标准化计算的。
- 音高变化是通过对log(F0)在时间上进行一阶导数(有限差分)计算得到的。
def get_bin_edges_percent_range(a, bins=10, percent=95):
assert percent > 1
assert percent < 100
tail_percentage = (100 - percent)/2
a = a[~np.isnan(a)]
a_range = np.percentile(a, [tail_percentage, 100-tail_percentage])
counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(a, bins=bins, range=a_range)
return bin_edges
corpus_pitch = timit.get_timit_annotations()
abs_bin_edges = get_bin_edges_percent_range(corpus_pitch['abs_pitch'])
((11,), array([-1.56828262, -1.21747101, -0.8666594 , -0.51584779, -0.16503618, 0.18577543, 0.53658704, 0.88739865, 1.23821026, 1.58902187, 1.93983349]))
现在,我们讲这些特征拼接起来。用于TRF models训练的数据集拥有42010个数据样本,每个样本拥有62维特征(30+1+1+10+10+10
features_full, Ys = trf.concatenate_trf_stim_resp(stim_resp, exclude=None)
features_full.shape, Ys.shape
((42010, 62), (42010, 128))
test_corr_folds_chin, wts_folds_chin, best_alphas = trf.run_cv_temporal_ridge_regression_model(features_full, Ys, delays=delays, add_edges=False)
r2_full = np.mean(test_corr_folds_chin**2, axis=0) # r2 metric see more in paper section "Encoding models".
wts_full = np.mean(wts_folds_chin, axis=0)
Running fold 0. Running fold 1. Running fold 2. Running fold 3. Running fold 4.
(5, 2480, 128)
wts1_labels = {'yticks':(0, 3, 6, 9), 'yticklabels':(5.7, 0.2, -5.3, -10.8), 'ylabel':"Pitch change (oct/s)"}
fig = trf.plot_trf(wts_full.T, 69, wts1_label=wts1_labels, wts_shape=(40, 62), wts1=(52, 62), wts2=(42, 52), min_max=(42,62), edges_added=False, figsize=(10,3))
fig = trf.plot_trf(wts_full.T, 85, wts1_label=wts1_labels, wts_shape=(40, 62), wts1=(52, 62), wts2=(42, 52), min_max=(42,62), edges_added=False, figsize=(10,3))
Attention pattern analysis¶
See Section "DNN computations explain neural encoding predictions" in paper
这部分研究了DNN中表示的计算机制。我们好奇DNN中语音注意力计算的特定类型是否能解释预测大脑响应的能力。在这里,我们特别关注建模语音表示上下文的注意力,这对应于目标语音声音的邻近音素和音节。wav2vec2-base 模型被用作示例,huggingface 提供了便捷的调用方式。
import torch
import torchaudio
from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForCTC,Wav2Vec2Processor
import os
processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base")
model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base")
/ssd9/exec/penglinkai/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/configuration_utils.py:380: UserWarning: Passing `gradient_checkpointing` to a config initialization is deprecated and will be removed in v5 Transformers. Using `model.gradient_checkpointing_enable()` instead, or if you are using the `Trainer` API, pass `gradient_checkpointing=True` in your `TrainingArguments`. warnings.warn(
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Some weights of Wav2Vec2ForCTC were not initialized from the model checkpoint at facebook/wav2vec2-base and are newly initialized: ['lm_head.weight', 'lm_head.bias'] You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
timit_blocks = [1,2,3,4,5]
timit_names = []
for i in range(len(timit_blocks)):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,2))
cmaps = ['Greys','Purples', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'Oranges', 'Reds']
##### top
timit_name = timit_names[4][1]
[fs_t, sig_t] = wavfile.read(timit.get_wavpath(timit_name))
xvals_t = np.arange(len(sig_t))/fs_t
phon_times = np.asarray(timit_phonemes.loc[timit_name][timit_phonemes.loc[timit_name]['silence']==False]['start_time'])
phon_names = np.asarray(timit_phonemes.loc[timit_name][timit_phonemes.loc[timit_name]['silence']==False]['phn'])
phon_time_idx = util.time_to_index(phon_times, hz=fs_t)
syll_times = np.asarray(timit_syllables.loc[timit_name]['start_times'])
ax.plot(xvals_t, sig_t, linewidth=0.5, color=np.array([0.7,0.7,0.7]))
height = 41000
ax.text(syll_times[0], height, 'He', fontsize=10)
ax.text(syll_times[1], height, 'moistened', fontsize=10)
ax.text(syll_times[3], height, 'his', fontsize=10)
ax.text(syll_times[4], height, 'lips', fontsize=10)
ax.text(syll_times[5], height, 'uneasily.', fontsize=10)
for i in range(len(phon_times)):
if i != 13:
ax.text(phon_times[i]+0.001, 34500, phon_names[i], fontsize=9)
ax.axvline(phon_times[i], color=[0.6,0.6,0.6], ls='--')
for i in range(len(syll_times)):
ax.axvline(syll_times[i], color=[0.3,0.3,0.3], ls='-')
xlim = (0, xvals_t[-1])
ax2 = ax.twinx()
fs = 100
df = timit_annotation.loc[timit_names[4][1]]
xvals = np.arange(len(df))/fs
ax2.plot(xvals, df['pitch'],color=np.array([0.3,0.3,0.9]),linewidth=3)
ax.arrow((phon_times[7]+phon_times[6])*0.5, 16000, 0, -8000, head_width=0.03, head_length=4000, fc='k', ec='k')
# phoneme(0)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((phon_times[6], 20000), phon_times[7]-phon_times[6], 4000, color=plt.get_cmap(cmaps[0])(0.7)))
# phoneme(-1)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((phon_times[5], 20000), phon_times[6]-phon_times[5], 4000, color=plt.get_cmap(cmaps[1])(0.7)))
# phoneme(-2)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((phon_times[4], 20000), phon_times[5]-phon_times[4], 4000, color=plt.get_cmap(cmaps[2])(0.7)))
# syllable(0)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((syll_times[2], 27000), phon_times[6]-syll_times[2], 4000, color=plt.get_cmap(cmaps[3])(0.7)))
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((phon_times[7], 27000), syll_times[3]-phon_times[7], 4000, color=plt.get_cmap(cmaps[3])(0.7)))
# syllable(-1)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((syll_times[1], 27000), syll_times[2]-syll_times[1], 4000, color=plt.get_cmap(cmaps[4])(0.7)))
# syllable(-2)
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((syll_times[0], 27000), syll_times[1]-syll_times[0], 4000, color=plt.get_cmap(cmaps[5])(0.7)))
latent_feature_cnn = [] #[layers][block][sentence][time x feature]
latent_feature_ext = [] #[]
latent_feature_proj = []
latent_feature_encoder = []
latent_feature_en = []
latent_attention = []
for i in range(len(model.wav2vec2.feature_extractor.conv_layers)+1):
for i in range(len(model.wav2vec2.encoder.layers)+1):
for i in range(len(model.wav2vec2.encoder.layers)):
for i in range(len(timit_names)):
for j in range(len(latent_feature_cnn)):
for j in range(len(latent_feature_encoder)):
for j in range(len(latent_attention)):
for j in range(len(timit_names[i])):
sound_file = timit.get_wavpath(timit_names[i][j])
speech_array, sampling_rate = torchaudio.load(sound_file)
# feature extraction
lat = []
for k in range(len(model.wav2vec2.feature_extractor.conv_layers)):
for k in range(len(lat)):
lat_p, ext_feat = model.wav2vec2.feature_projection(lat[-1].permute(0,2,1))
lat_e = model.wav2vec2.encoder(lat_p, output_hidden_states=True, output_attentions=True)
# encoder layers
for k in range(len(lat_e.hidden_states)):
for k in range(len(lat_e.attentions)):
循环整个数据集,将每个样本的 CNN,Transformer encoder layer的每层表示都收集起来。
feature_names = ['fs_ext', 'fs_proj', 'encoder0', 'encoder1', 'encoder2', 'encoder3', 'encoder4', 'encoder5',
'encoder6', 'encoder7', 'encoder8', 'encoder9', 'encoder10', 'encoder11', 'encoder12',
'hg', 'spectrogram', 'intensity', 'bin_pitch', 'abs_pitch', 'rel_pitch',
'pitch_change', 'phonetics']
nn_features = ['fs_ext', 'fs_proj', 'encoder0', 'encoder1', 'encoder2', 'encoder3', 'encoder4', 'encoder5',
'encoder6', 'encoder7', 'encoder8', 'encoder9', 'encoder10', 'encoder11', 'encoder12']
all_latent_features = {'fs_ext': latent_feature_ext,
'fs_proj': latent_feature_proj,
'encoder0': latent_feature_encoder[0],
'encoder1': latent_feature_encoder[1],
'encoder2': latent_feature_encoder[2],
'encoder3': latent_feature_encoder[3],
'encoder4': latent_feature_encoder[4],
'encoder5': latent_feature_encoder[5],
'encoder6': latent_feature_encoder[6],
'encoder7': latent_feature_encoder[7],
'encoder8': latent_feature_encoder[8],
'encoder9': latent_feature_encoder[9],
'encoder10': latent_feature_encoder[10],
'encoder11': latent_feature_encoder[11],
'encoder12': latent_feature_encoder[12]
stim_resp = trf.get_all_features(all_hgs, all_times, all_names, feature_names, nn_features, all_latent_features)
feat_mat = trf.concatenate_all_features(stim_resp, feature_names)
对于给定的语音句子,假设在transformer层中的嵌入序列长度为$T(c_1,...,c_T)$,音素边界被索引为$p_1,...,p_m$,音节边界被索引为$s_1,...,s_n$。注意力模板定义如下: 对于当前音素 phoneme(0):$A_{ph(0)} \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times T}$
$$ \begin{equation} A_{ph(0)}(i,j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{**lr**} 1 & \mathrm{if\ } p_k \leq i \le p_{k+1} \mathrm{\ and \ } p_{k} \leq j \le p_{k+1} \mathrm{for\ any\ k}\\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} $$
对于当前音素的之前的第一个音素 phoneme(-1):$A_{ph(-1)} \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times T}$
$$ \begin{equation} A_{ph(-1)}(i,j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{**lr**} 1 & \mathrm{if\ } p_k \leq i \le p_{k+1} \mathrm{\ and \ } p_{k-1} \leq j \le p_{k} \mathrm{for\ any\ k}\\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} $$
对于当前音素的之前的第一个音素 phoneme(-2):$A_{ph(-2)} \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times T}$
$$ \begin{equation} A_{ph(-2)}(i,j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{**lr**} 1 & \mathrm{if\ } p_k \leq i \le p_{k+1} \mathrm{\ and \ } p_{k-2} \leq j \le p_{k-1} \mathrm{for\ any\ k}\\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} $$
对于当前音节 syllable(0):$A_{sy(0)} \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times T}$。特别地,当前音素的影响被排除$A_{sy(0)}=A_{sy(0)}-A_{ph(0)}$
$$ \begin{equation} A_{sy(0)}(i,j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{**lr**} 1 & \mathrm{if\ } s_k \leq i \le s_{k+1} \mathrm{\ and \ } s_{k} \leq j \le s_{k+1} \mathrm{for\ any\ k}\\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} $$
对于上一个音节 syllable(-1):$A_{sy(-1)} \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times T}$
$$ \begin{equation} A_{sy(-1)}(i,j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{**lr**} 1 & \mathrm{if\ } s_k \leq i \le s_{k+1} \mathrm{\ and \ } s_{k-1} \leq j \le s_{k} \mathrm{for\ any\ k}\\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} $$
对于上上一个音节 syllable(-2):$A_{sy(0)} \in \mathbb{R}^{T \times T}$
$$ \begin{equation} A_{sy(-2)}(i,j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{**lr**} 1 & \mathrm{if\ } s_k \leq i \le s_{k+1} \mathrm{\ and \ } s_{k-2} \leq j \le s_{k-1} \mathrm{for\ any\ k}\\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} $$
对于每个句子,第$x$层和第$y$个注意力头部的注意力矩阵$W_{xy}$。对于所有模板,我们计算了相关系数corr($W_{xy}$, $A_q$)。
def get_phoneme_masks(timit_name, length):
phon_times = np.asarray(timit_phonemes.loc[timit_name][timit_phonemes.loc[timit_name]['silence']==False]['start_time'])
phon_time_idx = util.time_to_index(phon_times, hz=49)
phon_mask_idx = np.concatenate([[0], phon_time_idx, [length]])
phon_masks = []
phon_masks.append(np.zeros((length, length)))
for k in range(len(phon_mask_idx)-1): # phoneme 0
phon_masks[0][phon_mask_idx[k]:phon_mask_idx[k+1], phon_mask_idx[k]:phon_mask_idx[k+1]] = 1
phon_masks.append(np.zeros((length, length))) # phoneme -1
for k in range(len(phon_mask_idx)-2):
phon_masks[-1][phon_mask_idx[k+1]:phon_mask_idx[k+2], phon_mask_idx[k]:phon_mask_idx[k+1]] = 1
phon_masks.append(np.zeros((length, length))) # phoneme -2
for k in range(len(phon_mask_idx)-3):
phon_masks[-1][phon_mask_idx[k+2]:phon_mask_idx[k+3], phon_mask_idx[k]:phon_mask_idx[k+1]] = 1
return phon_masks
def get_syllable_masks(timit_name, length):
# syllable masks
syll_times = np.asarray(timit_syllables.loc[timit_name]['start_times'])
syll_time_idx = util.time_to_index(syll_times, hz=49)
syll_mask_idx = np.concatenate([[0], syll_time_idx, [length]])
syll_masks = []
syll_masks.append(np.zeros((length, length)))
for k in range(len(syll_mask_idx)-1): # syllable 0
syll_masks[0][syll_mask_idx[k]:syll_mask_idx[k+1], syll_mask_idx[k]:syll_mask_idx[k+1]] = 1
syll_masks.append(np.zeros((length, length)))
for k in range(len(syll_mask_idx)-2): # syllable -1
syll_masks[-1][syll_mask_idx[k+1]:syll_mask_idx[k+2], syll_mask_idx[k]:syll_mask_idx[k+1]] = 1
syll_masks.append(np.zeros((length, length)))
for k in range(len(syll_mask_idx)-3): # syllable -2
syll_masks[-1][syll_mask_idx[k+2]:syll_mask_idx[k+3], syll_mask_idx[k]:syll_mask_idx[k+1]] = 1
return syll_masks
def get_masks(timit_name, length):
phon_masks = get_phoneme_masks(timit_name, length)
syll_masks = get_syllable_masks(timit_name, length)
syll_masks[0] = syll_masks[0] - phon_masks[0]
all_masks = np.concatenate([phon_masks, syll_masks], axis=0)
return all_masks
length = latent_attention[0][4][1][0].shape[0]
phon_masks = get_phoneme_masks(timit_names[4][1], length)
syll_masks = get_syllable_masks(timit_names[4][1], length)
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
cmaps = ['Greys','Purples', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'Oranges', 'Reds']
all_masks = get_masks(timit_names[4][1], length)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,6, figsize=(25,5))
axs = axs.flatten()
for i in range(len(axs)):
axs[i].imshow(all_masks[i]*0.5, cmap=cmaps[i])
axs[i].plot([0, 1], [1, 0], transform=axs[i].transAxes, color=[0.5,0.5,0.5])
axs[i].set(xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[], xlabel='key', ylabel='query')
for im in plt.gca().get_images():
im.set_clim(0, 1)
axs[0].set(title='attention patterns\n phoneme(t-0)')
[Text(0.5, 1.0, 'syllable(t-2)')]